Monday, September 23, 2013

First Grade

I am so excited about a new year with your students! I will try to put pics on our blog and give updates with happenings in our classroom. We have been working very hard. Please let me know if there is anything you would like for me to add or address.

Let's make this a fun and exciting year.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Curriculum Video

Finally finished! I love the movie maker but had a terrible time with my audio. I finally found a mic that worked and got it finished! I'm excited to share it with my class. They will think I'm awesome. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Class Reflection

Okay, I succeeded making a Voicethread!  I think I'm ready t share it with everyone.  I loved this class even though it took me a lot of time and I never seemed to have enough to get to everything I wanted to look at.  Listen to what I thought was best for me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I love being on Twitter.  I have found new friends and resources through the connections I have made on Twitter.  I have not spent the time I would like to go searching all the resources I have found through tweets.  I saved them for later. 

I don’t really have a favorite follow yet, I follow Andy Roddick and he is definitely interesting.  I enjoy tennis so I thought would be interesting.  He made a comment on Twitter that seemed negative about Jordy Nelson (fav former Wildcat).  Kansans don’t like hearing people speak badly about their Wildcat players.  I really like following the teachers that teach the same grade levels because we have more in common and I know I will get great stuff.  Last week on 1stchat I got a whole new book list for great Halloween books and new poetry to use.

I will definitely continue tweeting.  I think I will use it most for professional use but it’s fun to use it personally as well.  I have told teachers about it and they want me to help them set up a Tweetdeck.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cute Halloween Activity

I inherited this cute little story from a teacher I taught with years ago.  The kids absolutely love it if you can keep them from opening it or "spilling the beans". =) I attached the story below. Hope you can use it too.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I spent some time looking through Richard Byrne's blog Here's a link to his blog -  He is a wealth of information.  I found his blog to be extremely useful.  I like the way he organized his page.  The advertisements were handy and had great resources.  I have used both Spelling City and Class Dojo so I was familiar with both of those but I know other teachers will love them too.  He had so many great things on his blog that I marked it in my favorites to come back and view often.  If I keep up with all the new stuff he posts I will become the techie in my building. =)

He had a post about Scootpad.  I just recently heard about it and downloaded Scootpad.  His most recent post was my favorite.  I love Dropbox but am leery about what I put out there.  I know longer have a Facebook account after it was hacked and then of course deleted.  I think it's important that our information is secure and his post had a way to do a two step protect.  I will definitely be using his resources on that one. 

I love to read blogs.  I have many in my favorites that I spend time reading and finding all kinds of fabulous resources.  I would love to make this blog a great resource to my parents and students.  I think it could be just one more way I can improve communication from home to school. 

Podcasts I Like

I had an enjoyable afternoon searching through podcasts in iTunes.  I haven't spent a lot of time there but am excited about learning more about it.  During my search I found a new podcast that just got started.  It is entitled What's Become Clear.  It caught my eye since it was about where schools have come from and where are we heading.  Here's the link if you think you might enjoy it also. =)

I also found a fun one for me as a mom, not a teacher.  It's called Manic Mommies.  The first podcast I listened to was about exhausted moms on a Friday night.  This is so much my life.  It's hard to find the energy to even go to the home football game.  I thought I could probably relate to these two moms. =0 If you are a crazy, busy mom, you might enjoy it also.  Here's the link.

The last one I'm going to share is for my kiddos in second grade.  I found another fun storyteller podcast.  It had a great list of stories I could use in my classroom.  I'll have to load it on the iPods and let them veg out on a Friday afternoon. =)  Here's the link The Story Home.